Fully customizable Software-as-a-Service for secure and reliable, cloud-based infrastructure.

Hosted Services

iMatrix is a SaaS (Software as a Service) system that is based on a simple business model: “Your success is our success.” Pay incrementally as you grow. This is a fair value-to-value methodology that our clients have appreciated for 25 years.

Outsourcing is essential in every company, especially start-ups. iMatrix engineers pioneered the first hosted SaaS (Software as a Service) software model in 1997 for the direct selling and affiliate marketing industry. Choosing your software vendor is one of the most important business decisions in your new endeavor or an existing company changing vendors. If you are a new company, an existing company, or a start-up looking to significantly reduce your IT overhead and software costs, then you will need the most reliable, proven and trusted software system.

“You do not need servers or a big IT staff.”

You could use a competitors SaaS platform or their client/server software, hardware, and hire the necessary IT staff. But, you can’t buy the most important reasons to use iMatrix Software:
  1. We posses expert knowledge and experience of software, technology, systems, mobile apps, and e-commerce combined with many years of experience in the direct selling industry.
  2. We keep current – we see trends, new ideas, and strategies that work and that do not work.
  3. Our team developed the first IVR system (Interactive Voice Response) in the direct selling software industry.
  4. Our team developed the first worldwide frame relay network in the direct selling software industry prior to the internet.
  5. Our team developed the first internet fully e-commerce package in the direct selling software industry in 1995.
  6. Our team pioneered the first hosted system in the direct selling industry in 1997.

Services and Fee Schedule

The iMatrix monthly service fee starts at $1,500 and increases as your gross transactional amounts increase.  The monthly service fees is based on the previous month’s transactions processed by the iMatrix System. This serves as an advantage as your transactions could fluctuate each month, and you are not locked into a minimum tier level once you have reached it. There are other fee options also available, although most of our clients prefer the transactional model.

Make sure you compare the monthly fee structures of other software vendors. The iMatrix monthly service fee includes system technical support, updates, and enhancements to system module functions and features.

The iMatrix Team helps run your back office system, and provides you with invaluable input on your compensation plan and its performance. You receive over a 150 years of combined direct selling, affiliate, and influencer marketing software experience.

iMatrix Software Platform

Partial Feature List:

Member Accounts

  • Member Account Management
  • Quick Member Lookup
  • Quick Order Lookup
  • Quick Autoship Lookup
  • Assign Member Leads
  • Update Member Placement


  • Member Reports
  • Sales Reports
  • Order Reports
  • E-Wallet Account Reports
  • Inventory Reports
  • Item Detail Reports


  • User-defined Member Look Up
  • User-defined Order Look Up
  • User-defined Autoship Look Up


  • Run 1099 Report
  • 1099 Adjustments
  • E-Wallet
  • Gift Cards
  • Returns and Exchanges
  • Back Orders

Compensation Plans

  • Unilevel
  • Binary
  • Forced Matrix
  • Hybrids
  • Custom

Ticket System

  • Quick Submit from Anywhere
  • System Knowledge Base
  • Ticket Tracking

Documents Area

  • Add Files / Folders
  • Edit File / Folder Permissions
  • Limit Access based on Member Rank

Corporate Blasts

  • Add Subject
  • Filter by Member Statuses
  • Tokens to Personalize Message
  • Create New Message

User Permissions

  • Add / Edit User
  • Add / Edit Permission Group


  • Create Custom Rules
  • HTML Email Format
  • Default Triggers Available
  • Email Notifications
  • Member Message Notifications
  • 3rd party Triggers


  • Multiple Languages
  • Multiple Currencies
  • Multiple Countries
  • Multiple Compensation Plans


  • Add / Edit Payment Type
  • Tax Classifications
  • Multiple Warehouse
  • Multiple Price Levels
  • Order Type Setup


  • Ties to ANY Carrier
  • Ship Via Setup
  • Freight Rate Setup
  • Freight Override Setup
  • Shipping Extract Setup


  • Add / Edit Items
  • Item Code / Prices Setup
  • Item Warehouse Setup
  • Kit Setup
  • Tax Setup