Data Centers

Sleep easily knowing your data securely stored on redundant servers that accommodate  HIPAA, PCI, and SOC 2 standards

Data Centers

iMatrix utilizes state-of-the-art collocation facilities to support various load-bearing operating environments.

  • Built for mission-critical server collocation, disaster recovery, and development environments. Access controls, procedures, and security measures are in place to accommodate HIPAA, PCI and SOC 2 standards.
  • 24/7 Security and Access Controls
  • 24/7 Monitoring system
  • 24/7 Friendly, helpful, quick-to-respond on-site staff
  • Diverse A and B redundant power
  • FM200/Pre-action Fire Sprinkler and Computer Safe Fire Extinguisher
  • Redundant CRAC Units
  • Hot/cold aisles containment
  • Over 300 fiber counts with multiple entrances into the facility
  • Blended network model with multiple and redundant 10G networks from top-level carriers such as Level 3, NTT and Telia Sonera
  • To eliminate any single point of failure, a 2N power infrastructure (A and B) from two diverse power systems. Starting from dual utility feeds with backup generators on each side, our Power Distribution Units (PDU) are protected and conditioned by UPS 24/7 to provide clean wave and stable power to our appliances.

What Does All This Mean?

Your up-time and processing are secure and you can sleep easy at night.

You don’t need to spend a lot of money to properly run your business applications.