Corporate Consulting Services

iMatrix has been a trusted resource for support, information, and guidance by some of the largest Direct Selling and MLM organizations.

Corporate Consulting Services

iMatrix Consulting offers a wide variety of services that fit your needs. These range from project management to organizational leadership. The iMatrix Team is comprised of highly experienced business professionals who are results-oriented and operate with one mission – the success of your organization.

The iMatrix Consulting Team employs lean methodologies which encourage innovation and market discovery, allowing for unique and valuable qualities to be positioned around the world.  We outline and implement the various ways your business can achieve differentiation by being creative, economical, customer-oriented, and quality-driven.  The Team will advise you on your positioning and help you understand the differentiating process. We provide techniques to seize a distinguishing idea, dramatize it, and make it yours. We will show you how to use differentiating ideas against your competitors to yield a well-branded, first-class company.

Endearing success and leadership is about being ethical, accountable, responsible. Then executing.


Hosting and speaking at conventions and events


Strategic and operational planning

Assistance in company set-up

Compensation plan review, trends, and strategies

IT Strategies and Infrastructure

iMatrix Software Platform

Partial Feature List:

Member Accounts

  • Member Account Management
  • Quick Member Lookup
  • Quick Order Lookup
  • Quick Autoship Lookup
  • Assign Member Leads
  • Update Member Placement


  • Member Reports
  • Sales Reports
  • Order Reports
  • E-Wallet Account Reports
  • Inventory Reports
  • Item Detail Reports


  • User-defined Member Look Up
  • User-defined Order Look Up
  • User-defined Autoship Look Up


  • Run 1099 Report
  • 1099 Adjustments
  • E-Wallet
  • Gift Cards
  • Returns and Exchanges
  • Back Orders

Compensation Plans

  • Unilevel
  • Binary
  • Forced Matrix
  • Hybrids
  • Custom

Ticket System

  • Quick Submit from Anywhere
  • System Knowledge Base
  • Ticket Tracking

Documents Area

  • Add Files / Folders
  • Edit File / Folder Permissions
  • Limit Access based on Member Rank

Corporate Blasts

  • Add Subject
  • Filter by Member Statuses
  • Tokens to Personalize Message
  • Create New Message

User Permissions

  • Add / Edit User
  • Add / Edit Permission Group


  • Create Custom Rules
  • HTML Email Format
  • Default Triggers Available
  • Email Notifications
  • Member Message Notifications
  • 3rd party Triggers


  • Multiple Languages
  • Multiple Currencies
  • Multiple Countries
  • Multiple Compensation Plans


  • Add / Edit Payment Type
  • Tax Classifications
  • Multiple Warehouse
  • Multiple Price Levels
  • Order Type Setup


  • Ties to ANY Carrier
  • Ship Via Setup
  • Freight Rate Setup
  • Freight Override Setup
  • Shipping Extract Setup


  • Add / Edit Items
  • Item Code / Prices Setup
  • Item Warehouse Setup
  • Kit Setup
  • Tax Setup